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Odesk for Freelancer Part 1

Odesk for Freelancer

Hello Visitor, This is article you know that odesk is the best online outsourcing site or freelancing site. This is the Best freelancing site in the world. Now bangladeshi freelancer fit for this site. Bangladeshi people can earn using this odesk site.  Recently hung people satisfied using odesk in bangladesh. 

In present there are many freelancing site in the world, i think This is the depended site is odesk. 
There have many category job.Hourly job. Fix price job. some of job Like this using teemviewr. 

so start your earning... First Sign up
You need to select " I need a contractor" or "I need a job"
Then complited your profile Contractor or Employee profile

There have some test of your experience.
If you taken text on odesk your earning or biding range will be more and more.

When your Sign up will be complete then start your biding.

Thank you for read this article. i think it will be  helpful for your online career.